Releasing Yvrose Christophe of Negative Emotions

This is how Jesus replaced Yvrose’s negative emotions with mercy, love, patience, forgiveness, and purity of heart.

MacKensie Fils
4 min readFeb 21, 2022

Emotions play a vital part in our human experience — for others to recognize what state of mind we are in and for our self-reflection.

I know how critical it is to keep human emotions under control. However, when left to their whims, negative emotions can be harmful towards family, friends, and self.

Positive emotions such as gratitude, happiness, and joy can heal the body, proving very beneficial.

But could negative emotions be cleared from a person?

For Yvrose, on 17 December 2014, Jesus cleared all her negative emotions from her soul.

Yvrose described how she became overwhelmed by inadequate feelings of anger, pride, shame, sadness, and pain in her heart and soul.

“I am releasing you from all those feelings that are not from Me” (Jesus, 17 December 2014).

Her body jerked gently while He relieved her of those feelings.

“I declare you free of those feelings, and I am replacing them with My feelings of mercy, love, patience, forgiveness, and purity of heart. You may love people as I love them, see them as I see them, forgive them as I forgive them. Today, I make you a true disciple of Mine. I am giving you the same grace, power that I have given to My disciples” (Jesus, 17 December 2014).

Because I, too, am prepared to be His disciple, I was quite intrigued. I recognized what Jesus was doing. So, I searched and found this interesting verse in the Bible.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.

Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter that the outside of them may be clean also” (Matthew 23:25–26, KJV).

Here Jesus is quite harsh on this religious group. They were the most religious people in their day as they were considered lawyers, not the courtroom type but the law pertaining to Doctor’s of [Jewish] Law. So I can imagine what others may have thought when He called them out.

It must have been a peculiar scene. Can you imagine a pastor or priest today being called out in front of their congregation?

I always love His parables, as there can be several layers of understanding and spiritual truth. My immediate interpretation of the verse is first to clean your interior and then clean the exterior.

I may look clean outside, but if my heart is filled with negative emotions, that may keep me from being clean throughout. If I were to reuse the cup or plate, I would rather have a clean inside than a clean outside.

“You will receive everything you asked of Me. I make you anew, and you can follow Me as My disciple” (Jesus, 17 December 2014).

In her right hand, heart, and head, Jesus made a sign of the cross. Then He left her body.

Since that day, I have recognized my aunt Yvrose as different from what I knew of her. I always knew her as relaxed, fun, and loving. However, after that encounter with the Lord, she became more humble, devout, and sincere in her actions with me and others.

Her changes were remarkable but not yet saintly as she is destined to become. I look at her early transformation from a sinner to a saint as an example of what Jesus plans to do with His disciples and with you in His ministry.

“Today is a big day; it marks the day where you have been transformed to My true disciple. It is the day where you will have a new life. This last month was just an avant gout (foretaste) of what to come” (Jesus, 17 December 2014).

On 17 December 2014, Yvrose was still experiencing anger, pride, shame, sadness, and pain and those negative emotions were a roadblock on her transformation journey. If you want to transform and become true believers of the Christ, negative emotions will hinder you too. Therefore, ask to replace any negative emotions you may have with mercy, love, patience, forgiveness, and purity of heart and be transformed into true believers of the Christ.

Thank you for reading.

MacKensie Fils

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MacKensie Fils is co-leader of Jesus Christ In Action For All and your guide to help you overstand your role in the Quaternity of God’s quest to discern who is true believers of the Christ — Jesus, and Yvrose Christophe of the Quaternity of God. He’s on Twitter.



MacKensie Fils

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