Acquiring Everyone’s Contracts and Agreements

These are the rights the Quaternity of God acquired for effecting quality management when discerning who joins a new Golden Race of humans in the New World.

MacKensie Fils
8 min readFeb 23, 2022

The Quaternity of God needed to acquire certain rights when discerning who joins a new Golden Race of human beings in the New World, therefore acquiring everyone’s release of the rights to their sins and transgressions in exchange for their 1,260 Days of Tribulation waiver of their natural rights to free-will choice, health and safety, assumption of risk, and release from liability.

Let me clarify one aspect of your waiver of free-will choice. Everyone will still be allowed to use their free will to make choices.

Your free-will choice waiver specifically gives the Quaternity of God the right to use your choice of becoming or unbecoming true believers of the Christ when discerning who joins a new Golden Race of human beings in the New World.

“Whoever that has used the power given to them by My Father — the power of free will, to do wrong, to follow darkness and to stay in darkness. Whoever rebukes Me and My teachings, whoever chooses not to follow My commands will also be rejected by My Father” (Jesus, 17 January 2015).

Your assumption of risk waiver gives the Quaternity of God the right to grant you immortality (if you make it to the New World) or inherently erase you from existence at the judgment.

“When one chooses to deny My power, love, and presence among them, they reject their souls’ salvation won for them. Great pain and suffering will be waiting for them after death, and their souls will be destroyed along with all the other souls that had been under the manipulation and the destroying effects of the devil” (Jesus, 6 February 2015).

The contracts and agreements are binding. In return, Yvrose is restoring the human race to original perfection with changes to the collective expected to take effect immediately at the beginning of the New World.

“Only those who survive the Great Tribulation with an immovable and unshakeable faith will enter My kingdom on Earth and Heaven. The rest will be destroyed forever, and a New World will form, composed of peace, love, and obedience to God’s Word” (Jesus, 20 November 2015).

Your health and safety waiver gives the Quaternity of God the right to withhold supernatural protection from you during 1,260 Days of Tribulation.

“There will be a major catastrophic event that is about to occur. The Three Days of Darkness will leave a death toll of millions of people on each continent. Numerous deaths will occur in the United States as well as other nations.

In some areas, the death toll will be greater, mostly in the Muslim nations. Those who survive the first event of the Tribulation Period will face the challenges of rebuilding their lives on Earth and will somehow envy those who have died, for life after the Three Days of Darkness will be hard.

Hardship will flow everywhere, even the lands that had been on top of the world. There will be a season of dryness, the land will produce nothing, and famines will be on Earth.

Your only hope will be to live and survive supernaturally. If you do not believe in God Almighty, you cannot live supernaturally. Allah, Hinduism, and Buddha, to name a few, do not provide supernatural survival.

Only Christ, the Lord, together with His bride, will be providing that supernatural survival. Many deaths will occur from the famines throughout all nations in the world. Another death toll will come from pestilences and diseases unknown to humankind and science.

The death toll will surmount to almost three-fourths of humankind when it is all done. Happy are those that will survive the number of events and tribulations to come.

It is a good time to live on Earth, but it is also the most challenging time since the world has been created for humankind to live in. Buckle up for what to come, My children. It is going to be tough, to put it lightly.

Happy are those who hear My voice and recognize My voice as the voice of their God” (Matt. 24:21–22, 29–31; Rev. 6:12–17), (Jesus, 23 February 2016).

Your health and safety waiver also gives the Quaternity of God the right to maintain or remove your inhibition.

“The evil nature that is in them will be allowed to take full control of their lives. Human beings without Christ will become nothing but animals, full of anger, lust, and hatred towards all other human beings. During the Tribulation Period, humankind will experience what hate is, what pain is, what evil is, and what death is” (Father God, 7 July 2016).

Before we continue, I wanted to clarify some least known details about the Holy Spirit that will undoubtedly be a controversial point.

While most Christians have been brought up with the concept of the Holy Spirit being male, as implied in the Bible, it is a fact that the Holy Spirit on 17 March 2017, revealed that She, Who hitherto had been referred to grammatically as masculine, is the Divine Mother of Heaven, Divine Mother of Jesus and Divine Mother of His bride, Yvrose Christophe.

At the Marriage of the Lamb, She gracefully abdicates Her current Queen of Heaven and Queen of the Universe titles to Her only begotten daughter, Yvrose Christophe.

“I, the Holy Spirit, is the Mother of God the Son, as well as the Mother of God the Daughter. I am the queen of old. As the Father Almighty had given up His crown and kingship to His only begotten Son, I, too, have given up My crown and queenship to My only begotten and beloved Daughter, Yvrose” (Mother God, 17 Mar. 2017).

“I, along with the Father, thank You for all that You had accepted to do on behalf of humankind. You had given up Your rights as one of the Godhead in Heaven willingly and had agreed to be nothing valuable in the eyes of humanity.

You had not only agreed to become a sinner for the sake of human beings but also agreed to carry sin in Your body as pain, sicknesses, and physical impairments. You agreed to let go of Your royalty and Divinity for years that You have resided on Earth” (Mother God, 12 June 2017).

“I awoke around 4:40 a.m. and experienced the feeling that I had before. My right side twitched, twisted, and was not under My control. I was unable to speak, had severe pain, and a stiff body” (Yvrose, 15 June 2017).

“I had another episode of the undesirable and unexplainable experience of the force that affected the right side of My face, arm, chest, and lower extremities. Every fiber in those parts of My body moved, vibrated, and was out of My control.

My family members prayed, cried, and recited psalm 91 on behalf of humankind and asked for forgiveness.

It started on 1 July, a Saturday evening, and lasted on and off for a few hours until about 2 a.m. The force came like a tractor truck brutally right through Me” (Yvrose, 4 July 2017).

“I am the Alpha and the Omega — the Beginning and the End. My Son and I are the King of the Universe. You have recovered what was lost in the Garden of Eden, Daughter God, through the actions of the first Eve. Goodnight” (Father God, 4 July 2017).

“After that, I became more dysfunctional, whereas I couldn’t use My right side, not even with a walker. The cane was not sufficient anymore. My family helped Me. Thank God I could still use My hand to write in My journal even though it’s barely legible and full of mistakes” (Yvrose, 4 July 2017).

Mother God explained how Yvrose is taking in people’s sins and transgressions and placing them in Her body as an offering:

“Father God Almighty has sacrificed His only begotten Daughter for humankind by making Her the scapegoat carrying in Her flesh the iniquities, and wickedness of humanity as it is written in Leviticus 16:21–22.

Just like Jesus came to Earth to lay down His life for the lives of those that have lived, living now, and will live on Earth, You, too, were sent by God the Father to do the same for humankind, which is sacrificing Your well being to take away their sins and transgressions and make atonement in Heaven on their behalf” (Mother God, 29 September 2017).

Unbeknownst to every human being, the release of everyone’s rights to their “sins and transgressions,” among other things, was agreed and signed energetically by their immaterial spirit and acquired non-physically and intermittently over a year by Yvrose.

The data was transmuted into code, transmitted over-the-air in discrete packets to Her brain, and stored in Her DNA with the periodicity of the transfers occurring monthly — and always with no warning — with big energetic data transmissions that lasted up to several hours.

The data streams tapered off to once a week with transmissions that lasted only a few minutes.

The quantal energy to Yvrose’s brain, by an electromagnetic pulse, caused Her to experience seizures, convulsions, and gradual incapacitation of the body’s right side.

“Mother God, words cannot express how sad and tired I am. Let Jesus know that I am at the end of My rope. Also, let Father Almighty know that I cannot go through any more pain and disappointments. I have handled all that I feel that My body can take. Those violent episodes are drastic, like an unending nightmare that has left Me damaged” (Yvrose, 24 Oct. 2017).

“We wish there were a better way to restore humankind. Unfortunately, You have to go through those painful experiences to give Father God Almighty the rights over humankind” (Mother God, 25 Feb. 2018).

After a year of acquiring the necessary data into Yvrose’s body, the Quaternity took one week to meticulously and thoroughly extricate Her spirit from the body.

Then, on 18 Sept. 2018 at 04:00 EDT, placed the body in suspended animation. Amidst the extrication, I asked Her how She felt;

“I feel nothing. I am already in Heaven,” She answered.

Yvrose successfully acquired the contracts and agreements everyone’s immaterial spirit made with the Quaternity of God for effecting quality management when discerning who joins a new Golden Race of human beings in the New World.

It gives the Quaternity of God the rights to your sins and transgressions, thus allowing you to start the 1,260 Days of Tribulation with a clean slate.

In exchange, They can provide or withhold your supernatural protection during 1,260 Days of Tribulation, maintain or remove your humanity’s innate safety precautions, grant immortality in the New World or erase you from existence inherently.

If you use your free-will choice of becoming or unbecoming true believers of the Christ — Jesus, and Yvrose Christophe of the Quaternity of God intelligently, you can thrive through the 1,260 Days of Tribulation and make it to the New World.

Thank you for reading.

MacKensie Fils

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MacKensie Fils is co-leader of Jesus Christ In Action For All and your guide to help you overstand your role in the Quaternity of God’s quest to discern who is true believers of the Christ — Jesus, and Yvrose Christophe of the Quaternity of God. He’s on Twitter.



MacKensie Fils

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